Welcome, we’re so glad to have you here.
Welcome to South Bristol Methodist Church. We are a family of three Methodist Churches in Knowle, Brislington (Broomhill) and Bedminster, part of the Bristol and South Gloucestershire Circuit and the UK Methodist Church. At Totterdown we’ve handed over our building to Lighthouse Vineyard Church and we’re delighted that they are continuing to shine the light there. We also have strong links with the ecumenical church at the Withywood Centre (Withywood Church | Withywood Centre) and with other local churches in the area.
Who we are.
We are a Christian church celebrating the love of God and the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Click below to read some encouragement in Christian faith, or contact us to request a printed and posted or an email newsletter and worship sheet for someone who is housebound and can’t get to church.
Join us.
You are warmly welcomed to join us for worship and other activities. Welcome Spaces run at St Peter’s and Knowle churches - check the location pages for details. If you'd like to know about baptisms, weddings or funerals or the Christian faith generally, do get in touch.
News + Events.
All our congregations meet for weekly worship at 10.30am every Sunday
“The church changes the world, not by making converts, but by making disciples.”
— John Wesley
“Faith, hope and love in south Bristol - whoever you are, whatever your journey, Welcome!”
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