Let Every Heart Prepare.

Dear all,
If you are like me your inbox will be filled up with circulars from every organisation whose mailing list you ever got on to this week. Please take the time to look at this one!
below is the link for this week's worship - I hope you enjoy it. If you are out at church today, do take some time to join in and see what is going on, during the week or next weekend.


On Sunday evening there is an invitation to sing carols on your doorstep with music and carol sheets provided by Premier Christian Radio - do get your neighbours together and sing if you can. Invitation and carol sheet attached and can be found here: Carols on the Doorstep (premierchristianradio.com)

Some of us will be meeting in the churches this Sunday and we send our very best wishes to those of you who won't be there. If you are going to be on your own over Christmas and are worried about it, PLEASE get in touch beforehand - we want to do everything we can to make sure no one has a miserable day, especially as this year is particularly difficult for many people. Although we try to keep in touch with everyone we may have missed someone out. You may wish to offer support to someone else too - again do get in touch if you'd like to help.

You might also enjoy:

A New Room Christmas - YouTube

which comes from the New Room in Bristol, with Rev Josette preaching from John Wesley's pulpit.

Looking forward to the New Year, Rev Richard Sharples is leading a zoom course on the Book of Romans - Richard is always an interesting person to talk to and I am sure it will be a thought provoking and helpful course. Details attached.

In the meantime I hope you have a very peaceful, joyful and hopeful Christmas - we have every reason to have hope, even for our troubled world, because God himself is with us - as someone I know said recently, God is on the front line.

with very best wishes


“No one has ever seen God, but the one and only Son, who is himself God and is in the closest relationship with the Father, he has made him known.” John 1.18


Happy New Year

